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GMAT Enhanced Score Report: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding It

The GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) is a detailed report that provides test-takers with valuable insights into their GMAT exam performance. The ESR provides a comprehensive understanding of the test-taker’s performance, including overall section performance ranking, tables that show performance as they progress through the verbal and quantitative sections, and detailed data and analysis of their performance on the GMAT exam to help them understand their strengths and areas for development.

For those planning to retake the GMAT, the ESR can provide them with a good sense of what they need to improve in order to earn a higher score next time. However, understanding the ESR can be challenging, and many test-takers find the report to be overwhelming or difficult to interpret. In this how-to guide, we will walk through the key components of the ESR and provide tips on how to understand and analyze the report effectively.

The guide will cover the structure of the ESR, how to interpret the data in the report, and how to plan a path to improvement based on the insights provided by the report. By the end of this guide, test-takers will have a better understanding of their ESR and will be better equipped to use the report to improve their GMAT performance.

What is the GMAT Enhanced Score Report?

The GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) is a detailed analysis of a candidate’s performance on the GMAT exam. It provides a comprehensive breakdown of the candidate’s performance by section and question type, allowing them to understand their strengths and areas for improvement. The report includes a wealth of information that can help candidates prepare for future GMAT exams and improve their chances of success.

The ESR provides a detailed analysis of a candidate’s performance on the Quantitative, Verbal, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) sections of the GMAT exam. It includes a section-by-section breakdown of the candidate’s performance, as well as a detailed analysis of their performance by question type. This information can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness and to develop a targeted study plan for future exams.

The ESR also includes information on pacing, which can be a critical factor in GMAT success. The report provides a detailed analysis of the candidate’s pacing by section and question type, allowing them to identify areas where they may need to improve their speed and accuracy. Additionally, the ESR includes percentile rankings, which can help candidates understand how their performance compares to that of other test-takers.

How to Access your GMAT Enhanced Score Report

Accessing your GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) is a straightforward process that can be done online. To access your ESR, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GMAT account on the official GMAT website.
  2. Click on the “My GMAT” tab located in the top menu bar.
  3. Scroll down to the “GMAT Scores” section and click on “View All Scores”.
  4. Locate the exam for which you want to access the ESR and click on the “View Details” button.
  5. Click on the “Purchase Enhanced Score Report” button.
  6. Complete the payment process to purchase the ESR.

Once you have purchased your ESR, you will receive an activation code that you can use to access your report. To activate your ESR, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GMAT account on the official GMAT website.
  2. Click on the “My GMAT” tab located in the top menu bar.
  3. Scroll down to the “GMAT Scores” section and click on “View All Scores”.
  4. Locate the exam for which you want to access the ESR and click on the “View Details” button.
  5. Click on the “Enter ESR Code” button.
  6. Enter your activation code in the pop-up box and click on the “Apply” button.

Once you have activated your ESR, you will be able to access it online and view your detailed performance analysis.

Note that the ESR is only available for exams taken at a test center and not for online exams. Also, the ESR is only available for a limited time after you have taken the exam, so it is recommended that you purchase and activate your ESR as soon as possible to ensure you have access to your detailed performance analysis.

Understanding the GMAT Enhanced Score Report

The GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR) is a detailed analysis of a test-taker’s performance on the GMAT exam that provides valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you understand the GMAT ESR. 

1. Reading the Summary Section 

The Summary section provides an overview of your overall performance on the GMAT exam. It includes your total score, as well as your scores for each section of the test. The section also includes a percentile ranking that compares your score to other test-takers. 

2. Analyzing the Section Scores 

The Section Scores section provides a detailed analysis of your performance in each section of the GMAT exam. It includes a breakdown of your score by question type, pacing, and area of focus. The section also includes a percentile ranking that compares your score to other test-takers. 

3. Understanding the Question Analysis 

The Question Analysis section provides an in-depth analysis of your performance on each individual question. It includes the number of questions answered correctly and incorrectly, as well as the difficulty level of each question. The section also includes a percentile ranking that compares your performance on each question to other test-takers. 

4. Identifying Areas for Improvement 

The GMAT ESR provides valuable insights into areas where test-takers can improve their performance. By analyzing the data provided in the report, test-takers can identify areas where they struggled and focus their study efforts on those areas. 

5. Using the GMAT ESR to Improve Performance 

The GMAT ESR is a valuable tool that can help test-takers improve their performance on future exams. By analyzing the data provided in the report and focusing their study efforts on areas where they struggled, test-takers can improve their scores and increase their chances of being accepted into their desired graduate programs.

In conclusion, the GMAT Enhanced Score Report is a valuable tool that provides test-takers with valuable insights into their performance on the GMAT exam. By analyzing the data provided in the report and focusing their study efforts on areas where they struggled, test-takers can improve their scores and increase their chances of being accepted into their desired graduate programs.

Interpreting Your GMAT Enhanced Score Report

Once you receive your GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR), it is important to understand how to interpret the information provided to gain insight into your performance and identify areas for improvement.

The ESR provides detailed data and analysis of your performance on the GMAT exam, including your overall score, section scores, and individual question performance. The report also includes information on your timing and pacing, allowing you to see how long you spent on each question and how your pacing compared to other test-takers.

One important section of the ESR is the Percentile Rankings table, which shows how your scores compare to other test-takers. This information can be useful in determining how competitive your scores are for the programs you are interested in.

Another important section is the Performance by Question Type table, which shows how you performed on each question type (e.g. Data Sufficiency, Reading Comprehension). This information can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and focus your study efforts accordingly.

The ESR also includes a detailed analysis of your pacing, showing how much time you spent on each question and how your pacing compared to other test-takers. This information can be useful in identifying areas where you may need to improve your time management skills.

Overall, the GMAT Enhanced Score Report provides valuable information for test-takers to help them understand their performance on the exam and identify areas for improvement. By carefully analyzing the information provided, test-takers can develop a targeted study plan to improve their scores and achieve their goals.

How to Use Your GMAT Enhanced Score Report

After receiving your GMAT Enhanced Score Report (ESR), it’s important to understand how to use the data provided to improve your performance on future exams. The ESR provides a detailed breakdown of your performance on each section of the exam, including your strengths and areas for development. Here are some tips on how to use your ESR to improve your GMAT score:

1. Analyze Your Performance by Section

The ESR provides a detailed breakdown of your performance on each section of the GMAT exam. Use this information to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Focus on improving your weaker areas by reviewing study materials and practicing with GMAT practice questions.

2. Understand the Percentile Rankings

The ESR provides percentile rankings for your overall score and each section score. These rankings show how your score compares to other test takers. For example, if your percentile ranking is 80%, it means that you scored higher than 80% of test takers. Use this information to understand how competitive your score is and to set goals for improvement.

3. Review Your Timing

The ESR provides information on how long you spent on each question and how long you spent on each section. Use this information to identify any time management issues you may have had during the exam. Focus on improving your pacing by practicing with timed GMAT practice questions.

4. Identify Question Types You Struggle With

The ESR provides information on the types of questions you struggled with on each section of the exam. Use this information to identify question types that you need to focus on improving. Review study materials and practice with GMAT practice questions that focus on these question types.

5. Use the ESR to Set Goals

Use the information provided in the ESR to set realistic goals for improvement. Focus on improving your weaker areas and aim to increase your percentile rankings. Use GMAT practice tests and questions to track your progress and measure your improvement.


The GMAT Enhanced Score Report can be a valuable tool for MBA applicants who want to improve their scores. By providing detailed data and analysis of your performance on the GMAT exam, the ESR can help you understand your strengths and areas for development.

It is important to remember that the ESR is not a magic solution to improving your GMAT score. Rather, it is a tool that can help you identify areas where you need to focus your studying.

When analyzing your ESR, it is important to look at your performance holistically. This means considering not only your overall score, but also your performance on each individual section of the exam.

Additionally, it is important to remember that the ESR is just one data point. It is important to use other resources, such as practice exams and study guides, to supplement your analysis of the ESR.

Overall, the GMAT Enhanced Score Report can be a valuable tool for MBA applicants who want to improve their scores. However, it is important to use the ESR in conjunction with other resources and to approach your analysis of the report in a holistic manner.

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Christian Pacheco

Christian is the founder and CEO of MBA Prep Tutoring. A highly experienced GMAT Math tutor with over a decade of teaching experience, Christian has helped hundreds of students achieve their target scores and gain admission to top MBA programs worldwide. He has a deep understanding of the GMAT Quant section and a proven track record of success, with many of his students achieving quant scores in the 48+ range. Christian is passionate about teaching and is committed to providing personalized and effective tutoring services to help his students achieve their goals.

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